Launching the Long Lake Project
We are excited to introduce you to our upcoming Long Lake Project! Located across the street from Lake Madison, this development has the potential to create over 1 million dollars in net profits; which will support strategic and accountable ministries. Register today for one of our gatherings to learn more.
We all desire to make an impact with our resources. It can be hard to know where to allocate funds and supplies to meet all the different needs here and around the world, plus we want our gifts to make more than a one-time impact. At Kingdom Capital Fund, we bring people together to make a difference with our resources. We are excited to launch our next impact opportunity, the Long Lake Project. This is a housing development located across the road from Lake Madison and Lakes Golf Course.
The current goal is to develop eighteen lots that will be sold and three lots to build a spec home each year, for the next three years. We have a developer giving various services to manage the project and provide general contracting services for the construction of spec homes over the next three years. Dirt is being moved and lots are for sale.
You are invited to learn more about this opportunity to transform lives. Join us at one of our upcoming gatherings where you can learn about the project, ask questions and discern your role.