God as CEO Workshop
We at Kingdom Capital Fund are thrilled to be coordinating the God as CEO movement. It was initiated by Paul TenHaken in 2017. God as CEO is a movement to make Christ the cornerstone of our businesses. Our desire is to continue inspiriting and equipping people people to live out their faith in their workplaces. Kingdom Capital Fund was started as, and continues to be, an organization led by business people who want to use their skills for the Kingdom of God.
Too often people separate their faith from their work. Our work is a calling from God. Ministry does not just happen on Sunday morning or in a church facility. Ministry is to happen all of the time in any environment. Business is a special calling from God and we want people to see their work as their vocation from God. In the year ahead we plan to continue the God as CEO breakfasts but also add other opportunities to provide more equipping.
We are hosting the first God as CEO workshop on February 12 from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. This workshop is a time to collaborate with others and hear from experienced teachers. Each workshop participate will also receive a free book. This book is published by a company from Texas that is seeking to live out the God as CEO calling. Check out all the workshop information below, we hope to see you at the workshop or at one of the other upcoming opportunities in 2019.
Tue, February 12, 2019
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
The Country Club of Sioux Falls
3400 West 22nd St
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
To register Click Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/god-as-ceo-workshop-tickets-54425998627